Erotic Illusions

Erotic art that's inexpensive, not cheap!

Erotic Sizeism

Oh how cute! Look at those little people running around like animated toys! It makes you want to pick one up and .... well ... definitely not what she is doing with that tiny man! I wonder how he can breathe in there? And that small lady ... I wonder how she can take such a big ... Oh dear, it looks like my plans for playing dolls house are out the window. Just like everything else round here, everyone is too busy doing naughty things to each other.

Yes... naughty things like that! Did I give you permission to grab my... oh well, I suppose you do need to check them to do a comparison with those little women there. But it does seem rather a ... mmmhhhh ... thorough comparison ... I used to worry that I was too big up there and they were like deformed or something but Mr Stormbringer said they were just right. He promised to demonstrate by teaching me some pole dancing moves, which sounds exciting. I didn't even know the people in Poland had their own special dances. Or the people in Lapland for that matter.

Anyway, I think you've spent quite enough time checking my size out. You really should go and look more at the people on these pages and see how they compare. But .... you can come back later and stroke... I mean... check some more, if you want to... I'm sure there are bits which need some further studying...


Erotic Artists and Writers


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  • Aro
    Aro Sizedom

    Lovely ladies with great big - everything! Little men and women scurrying from their would-be captors, but never getting very far before being mashed between bodacious boobies!

    Find Me At Erotic Illusions
  • Falcon3D

    Curious what its like to be the little man in a big woman's world? Femvolution will answer all of your needs and queries.

    Find Me At Erotic Illusions
  • Ilayhu
    Erodreams Sour
    Erodreams Sour

    Poor little male, small and diminutive next to his dominating mistress! She's more than average and he's so tiny! Men in peril within this 3D erotic site!

    Find Me At Erotic Illusions Find Me At Cybrotica
  • Pharmakos Chroster
    Pomo Porno
    Pomo Porno

    Where size does matter… would you be big to play with the tiny women or small to be played with by the big… used and eaten…

    Find Me At Erotic Illusions
  • Sorenutz007
    Amazon Femdom
    Amazon Femdom

    Amazon women have their way with the unsuspecting and often sex-minded men that stumble by, much to the man's dismay.

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Paul Bates 164 Foss Road Hilton DE65 5BH